Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ayer Mountain Spring Fling

Maya and I completed our first horse show of the season.  All in all things went off pretty good except for a couple of hiccups.  I placed 3rd in walk/trot equitation, walk/trot pleasure and preliminary dressage.  I placed 6th in walk/trot command, which in the past Maya and I do very well but, they put a Simon Says spin to it which put me in 6th place. Obviously I cannot play Simon Says. The classes were pretty large so I think I did pretty well.
The day leading up to the show was stress free, Maya had a little girl riding her in the show for 3 classes as well and offered to prep her the day before for the show so all I needed to do is clean my tack which I did at home, that's were my first hiccup happened. I loaded the car the night before only to find out when I got to the show that I forgot my girth, of all things! Luckily my trainer had a spare, crises diverted.
After the horses were unloaded and tied to the trailer, I breathed a sigh of relief realizing nothing can go wrong from here. I was prepared to come in dead last because I was having fun and that's all that counted. What I didn't expect was Maya to spook and break free of the trailer tie and gallop off into the fields which caused 2 other horses to do the same.  With help, we were able to collect the horses and get them ready for the show.
During the show classes Maya did very well, a little excited and slightly spooky, but not bad for her first show of the season and knowing off hand that she will fall apart when a ribbon is placed on her or handed to me, we had a helper collect the ribbons after each class. I was more disappointed for the little girl ridding her not to have the opportunity to collect her own ribbons.  We will definitely focus on desensitizing her to show ribbons.